Building Attachments is developed from the work of Dr Dan Hughes and Kim Golding and borrows from attachment theory, neuroscience and developmental trauma. Building Attachments has been developed to support, advise and educate adoptive and birth parents and foster carers. It helps them understand and improve relationships with their children and foster families and offers an opportunity to really understand the impact your child’s early years have on the person they are becoming.

Many parents come on this training when they feel at the end of the road and have had experiences of very challenging behaviours and have tried everything! Often these young people exhibit/demonstrate confusing types of behaviour and we will help make sense when things seem baffling, and sometimes scary. Others come to us when they first are accepted as adoptive parents or foster carers.

This training brings to life what an attachment means in a fun and creative way. We will explore the ‘secret world’ of attachment and why it has such an impact on the children in our families. We will begin to understand why our children react in the way they do – why they seem to be fine with strangers but give us a really hard time for example.

It will look at how we manage as parents and carers and ways of developing better relationships between our whole families. We will begin to build a toolbox of skills to make things at home an easier place for all the family to be.

In the final stage will pull together and build on all the elements of this course and practice a new way of responding to our children and foster children, using a Playful, Accepting, Curious and Empathic approach to parenting (P.A.C.E.).

At the end of this course you will have learnt and practiced new skills that will help to diffuse challenging behaviours and build a more secure future

What is meant by PACE?

Playfulness, Acceptance, Curiosity and Empathy PACE is a way of thinking, feeling, communicating and behaving that aims to make the child feel safe. It is based upon how parents connect with their very young infants. As with young toddlers, with safety the child can begin to explore.With PACE, the troubled child can start to look at himself and let others start to see him, or get closer emotionally. He can start to trust. Please visit DDP website  for more information about PACE and DDPOur Building Attachments group takes place over 5 sessions varying in time from 3 – 4 hours depending on the group size

Cost is £500 per person and applications may be made to the Adoption Support Fund via your social worker for adopted families