The word filial means parent/child relationship and it is that relationship which is at the heart of this intervention.

Filial therapy is a play-based intervention, where the parent learns skills and with the support of the therapists learns to conduct play-sessions at home with their own child.

Filial build relationships and is very successful where attachments may need to be strengthened as in Family Breakdown, Domestic Abuse, Adopted and Looked After families or where there has been a trauma for the child.

Filial Therapy is most successful with children aged from 3 – 12 years but we have also had some very positive relations built with younger children and their parent or care giver.

A parent attending a filial therapy course says  
“I genuinely believe you’re intervention will make the difference between her growing up with self esteem and confidence and building social skills, friends etc as oppose to continuing to dislike and isolate herself. Amazing. Thank you so so much”.  

Therapy can help children to express their feelings and fears through the natural activity of play. Over time children may;

Understand their own feelings better
Become able to express their own feelings more appropriately
Be able to share their feelings with their parents/carers
Become more confident and skilled in problem solving
Reduce their problem behaviours
Feel more secure and trusting

Filial Therapy can help parents to;

Understand their children’s worries and other feelings more
Learn new skills for encouraging co-operation from their children
Enjoy playing with their children and giving them positive attention
Increase their listening skills and develop open communication with their children
Develop self-confidence as parents
Become more able to trust their children
Deal in new ways with frustrations in family life

Filial therapy is an intervention that works really well in groups